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Richmond Clinic

Although originally set up in the early 1950's Richmond Clinic moved to it's current premises in 1990.  

Richmond Clinic is conveniently located on the B4596, the main road from Junction 25 (M4) towards Newport Centre.  We are very close to all amenities (dentist, chemist, optician, banks etc) and the bus stop is directly outside the surgery.


Richmond Clinic occupies a prominent corner plot between Richmond Road and Caerleon Road.  The surgery is on two floors with two Consulting Rooms and three Nurses's Rooms on the ground floor.  The patient toilet is also situated on the ground floor and is suitable for disabled access, with baby changing facilities.  Two further Consulting Rooms, Health Visitor room and Administration are upstairs.  All ground floor rooms are accessible for wheelchairs and pushchairs.


Zero Tolerance
We have a "zero tolerance" policy and take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against our staff or patients.  If a patient is abusive they will be warned to stop their abusive behaviour.  This includes abusive language over the telephone.  If they persist we will exercise our right to take action to have them removed from our list.  Any violent or threatening behaviour will result in the Police being called and the patient being immediately removed from the list.

