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Repeat Prescriptions


Please note we do not accept requests for repeat prescriptions over the telephone.

You can request repeat prescriptions several ways.

  1. Whenever possible try to use the tear-off slip on the right hand side of the prescription (tick or mark items required).
  2. Bring request to the Surgery and put it into Prescription Request Box located inside the main entrance.
  3. Via post – please enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you want the prescription returned to you, and allow an extra 48 hours.
  4. Directly from the Pharmacy by prior arrangement.  (We strongly recommend that you put your request in writing to the Pharmacist and not telephone your order)
  5. By registering for My Health Online (see back of leaflet)
  6. Email to


Your repeat prescription will be available 2 working days after ordering.  If you want your prescription to be processed by a specific Chemist locally then please indicate this on your request.

Remember to give yourself extra time for Bank Holidays etc.

You will occasionally be asked to attend for a “medication review” and we would encourage you to do so.
